201 Black Oak Ridge Road
Seymour, TN 37865
1st Friday of the month: Mass at 8:30am followed by Adoration at 9:00am-4:00pm & Benediction 4:00pm
Holy Days Of 2024
Mon, Jan. 1 - Solemnity of Mary
(NOT Obligation)
Wed, Feb 14 - Ash Wednesday
(NOT Obligation)
Sun, March 31 - Easter (Obligation)
Sun, May 12 - The Ascension
(observed on the 7th Sunday of Easter - Obligation)
Thurs, Aug.15 - The Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin
Fri, Nov. 1 - All Saints
Mon, Dec.9 - The Immaculate Conception of
The Blessed Virgin Mary
(NOT Obligation)
Wed, Dec. 25 -
The Nativity of the Lord
Masses are 6:30 PM Vigil & 8:30 AM
*Unless otherwise noted
Daily Mass Inclement Weather
During inclement weather if the local roads are clear there will be daily Mass. Please use caution and good judgement when traveling to church.
We want safety first.
With severe flooding in and around the mountain and river communities, along with wind damage around the Sevierville area, Catholic Charities has resources available to assist folks in our Diocese! They can provide emergency-type assistance to those in need. Please contact Deacon Dave Duhamel Executive Director, CCETN 865-963-4726 (Office) 865-310-2163 (Mobile) [email protected] or Paul Ritter, MSSW Chief Operations Officer, CCETN (865)684-1899 (865) 237-2761 [email protected]
CCD & Youth Group Scheduling
CCD (PreK-5th Grade)
Sunday, November 3rd @ 9:15am
Confirmation Class (Grade 6)
Sunday, November 3rd @ 4:30pm
Youth Group
Sunday, Nov. 3rd @ 5:45pm
Holy Family is now part of the Kroger Community Rewards Program! You can help support Holy Family now just by shopping at Kroger and selecting Holy Family as the organization you wish to donate toward on your Shoppers PLUS Card. It's that easy! Kroger will donate to Holy Family based upon how much everyone spends at the store. The parish can recieve up to 4 checks per year. Holy Family's NPO# is SG551. Please see the instructions for linking your plus card by clicking here or Contact Todd in the office for more information.