Mass is still on for this evening and tomorrow! If you are coming to Mass, please take extreme caution in driving as many roads are still snowy and icy. We are looking for any volunteers that would able to help shovel the church walkways. (Please contact Todd if you are willing to help) The parking lot is still snow covered.
Due to these snowy and icy conditions- CCD, Confirmation class and the Family Dinner Night are all cancelled for tomorrow.
After much debate and confusion, Monday, December 9th, The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is NOT a holy day of obligation THIS year as per Bishop Beckman.
Salvation Army Angel Tree is here again. The tree with angels to help is set up at the bottom of the stairs near the restrooms in the church. Please take an angel ASAP and shop soon - all items are due back to the church by Sunday, December 8th or the drop locations by the 9th. Thank you for your generosity and support!
This is a national program seeking to place a wreath honoring American Heroes at
more than 3,700 participating cemeteries. The cost of a wreath is only $17. Please go to for the new East Tennessee Veteran's Cemetery or you can change your desired location from the website. If you would like to see the Full Ceremony, it will be at 12:00 pm on December 14th at the Veterans Cemetery located on 2200 E. John Sevier Hwy in Knoxville.
There will be an interest meeting with Fr. Bill for anyone thinking about traveling on his Shrines of Italy pilgrimage. The meeting will take place Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 10:00am in the parish Family Life Center.
Here is a link to flood relief resources. If you know of any other resources that can be added to this list, please contact the parish office at 865-573-1203 with the details.
'The Eucharist: Jewish Roots & Catholic Sacrifice' a retreat led by Deacon Bob Hunt (from Holy Ghost).
We will explore the Jewish roots of the Eucharist in the story of the Exodus and the Passover as well as the Eucharist as the mystery of presence, sacrifice, and communion.
The Diocese of Knoxville has two employment opportunities. They are currently in search of a Diocesan Director of Human Resources and a Diocesan Director of Communications. If interested in the opportunities above, please contact Deacon Sean Smith (Chancellor) at [email protected] and provide cover letter and resume. Thank You!
This year Holy Family is excited to provide a beautiful opportunity for the ladies of our Parish - Advent by Candlelight! This is an opportunity for women to gather for a night of fellowship, reflection, and prayer as we focus and prepare for the coming of Christ before getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season. Questions? Contact Dianna Denne at [email protected] or 865-755-4135.
Religious Education Classes will begin again on Sunday, September 8th at 9:15am in the church's lower level for grades preK-grade 5. Confirmation class (grade 6) will be at 4:30pm in the FLC. More info and registration packets will be available soon.